Reviews all accounts prior to charge off to ensure that all efforts have been exhausted in the collection of the outstanding debt. Analysis of accounts deemed efforts exhausted to confirm account is uncollectable and provide specific historical synopsis supporting recommendation for appropriate mitigation or liquidation action to minimize the potential for financial loss to the credit union. Efforts will include, but not be limited to extensive telephone, written and person to person communication, skip tracing, credit review, lien search, site visits, review of member’s financial situation and any other necessary actions to determine best course of action.
At GreenState, we exist to create lasting value for those we serve. We do this by putting immense value into our employees, members and communities. We empower our employees to create endless opportunities, which will then impact the lives of our members and enhance the vitality of our communities.
Pay range for this hourly position is $38.06 - $44.50/hr with a progressive benefits package. This position does not offer remote capability.
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